About Sisters Department

 We have been planning Sisters Department, a new adult brand, for quite a while. Given the extraordinary times we have experienced in the past year and a half, an urge came over us to create something which embraces what we missed the most. This brand is taking that important step!

That thing we lost was to BE with those people whom we were deprived of; our crazy friends, the wild ones. Yes, the true, unapologetic, eternal friendships!

Those ephemeral moments of being free, unshackled from boundaries, shame and prejudice. This is a moment to just be you, and to celebrate that!

 Sisters Department is a tribute to true friendships.

 A special thanks to all our friends! You know who you are. Feel partners of this project.

Sisters Department is a brand owned by Piupiuchick Lds. Since 2012, the company has been dedicated to keeping childhood memories alive through its kids clothing brand Piupiuchick.


Piupiuchick is growing steadily and successfully. It is now present in more than 200 stores worldwide.



 Sisters Department is a brand created by us: Inês, Marta and Mariana.

 We have been friends forever.

We lived our 90s youth in incredible technicolour. These iconic years stand in our memory!

These were the golden years for the fashion industry. We saw supermodels such as Kate Moss Linda Evangelista, Helena Christensen, Cindy Crawford and Claudia Schiffer stand up as strong, independent women.

The fashion editorials shot by Peter Lindbergh filtered into our psyche through magazine and TV ads. We grew up exposed to these treasures.

Aspirations for unconditional love became commonplace after watching romantic movies like Pretty Woman for the 1000th time surrounded by friends. Dirty Dancing’s Patrick Swayze will always be a part of our teenage memories.

We could not feel more lucky to have lived such wonderful, formative years surrounded by amazing friends pooling shared experiences of precious moments.

Today we pay tribute to that true friendship. This is for the great moments we lived together, and the ones yet to come! 

True friends are the sisters we choose.

Brand ADN

Stand up if you want a late afternoon gathering with friends!


All friendship groups have their stories to share and reflect upon. We want to tell you some. But only some, of course.

Each collection of Sisters Department will tell a story.

That interrail trip around Europe when we had just turned 17, the first nights out, the university years and the young loves. All are a source of inspiration, and will serve as a memento of these great adventures we embarked upon together.